Horseradish Wasabi Sauce with Meatballs

Number of Servings: 8

1 bag frozen meatballs (approximately 24)
Set of kabob skewers
1 box Rigatoni pasta
3 – 5 Tbsp. horseradish
2 Tbsp. wasabi sauce
1 pt. fat free sour cream
Sprinkles of salt, pepper and Parmesan cheese

Separately cook pasta and meatballs according to the instructions on the packages. Mix horseradish (as mild or strong as you choose depending on amount added), wasabi sauce and sour cream together. Add salt, pepper and Parmesan cheese to taste. Heat in microwave 1 minute, remove and stir. Place back in microwave until mixture has been warmed throughout. Alternately place meatballs and pasta on skewers. Place skewers on a platter with the dip in the middle. Skewers can be assembled ahead of time and warmed in the oven on low.